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Corporate Childcare

Family Childcare in a Corporate World

At the Magic Steps Nursery, our innovative approach to childcare extends to the demanding corporate world. We provide a convenient drop-in crèche facility with discounted fees for employees of our valued corporate clients.

Support your workforce by investing in full-time childcare places. Spaces can be offered as an employee benefit, used to support staff when their usual childcare provisions are unavailable or utilised as a drop-in facility.

Conscientious employers can avoid conflict between work demands and the employee’s responsibility of care for loved ones by using the Magic Steps Nursery for corporate childcare. We can offer experienced care under all circumstances for the reassurance of parents and carers whilst helping to satisfy business productivity, life balance and personnel understanding during these current times of economic turmoil.

Drop-In Crèche Facility

Our popular drop-in crèche facility is carefully designed for circumstances where parents or carers want to bring their child into work. If regular childcare has failed, if work demands require a late finish or if a parent simply wants their child to be nearby, we can provide corporate spaces at no extra expense to the employee.

Employees of corporate clients can also register children at the Magic Steps Nursery on a full-time basis with a discount of up to 15% on typical fees.

Business Benefits

Corporate childcare offers a wealth of associated benefits at every level including:

  • The attraction of high quality candidates when recruiting
  • Improved staff retention and lower staff turnover
  • More maternity leavers returning to work
  • Reduced absenteeism and increased productivity
  • Improved experience and qualification levels throughout workforces
  • Improved company image

For more information, please visit www.hmrc.gov.uk

If you are interested in our corporate childcare facility, please give the nursery a call. We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.